Welcome to the website of Kayleigh C. Perkov, PhD
I (she/her) am an assistant professor in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of California, Davis. My current book project, Prototype Pastoral: Gender, Craft, and Technology, 1965-1980 offers an alternative history of the prototype through the lens of craft history. You can read more about this project on my Research page. I am the U.S. exhibition reviews editor for The Journal of Modern Craft. My research appears in the peer-reviewed journals The Journal of Design History and The Journal of Modern Craft. A forthcoming article will be published in Technology and Culture this spring. I have contributed essays to exhibition catalogues from the Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles), the Museum of Art and Design (New York), and the Museum Frieder Burda (Baden-Baden, Germany), among others. I have also written for the magazines Art in America and Art Jewelry Forum. My past research has been generously supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Getty/ACLS, a predoctoral fellowship at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Center for Craft, and the Newkirk Center for Science and Society. Contact me at kayleighperkovATgmail.com. |
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